Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Post #5

Web 2.0: My understanding:

Web 2.0 has to do with the current movement of the internet. The way in which this data uploaded via Web 1.0 is being shared amongst people. The simple question that drove this movement being “How can I take this data and share it with other people?”. Since this question was asked, sites have popped up all over the internet trying to answer this question. The most adopted solution involves the idea of social networking which is to create a community of members each responsible for contributing information to the rest of the users. Other approaches to solve this question included the development and utilization of web services. These services allow you to integrate data between sites through API’s (Application Programming Interface) such as you see on sites Flickr and Amazon.

The following sites are examples of Web 2.0:
Youtube – Video File Sharing
Facebook – Text / Picture / Video File Sharing

Myspace – Text / Picture / Music / Video File Sharing
Ebay – Text / Picture Sharing

The reason why these are web 2.0 examples is because members of these sites are able to communicate between each other, post all types of data and receive all types of data including text, pictures, movies and music, all whilst being online the world wide web.

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